
John Frieda Frizz Ease Moisture Barrier Hairspray | Review

Hey Everyone, There is nothing more annoying then when you have styled your hair and the style soon falls out. While I have recently foun...

Hey Everyone,

There is nothing more annoying then when you have styled your hair and the style soon falls out. While I have recently found a product to help defeat that happening. Let's check it out~

John Frieda Frizz Ease Moisture Barrier Hairspray | This stuff has become my ultimate go-to hairspray of this moment and that is a big claim for me to make as no hairspray ever has managed to tame and keep my hair in a style for long enough and the fact this product has, is amazing to me.

Having naturally thick and lifeless hair can often be a pain to deal with. That and frizz on top, my hair ain't fun to tame. However, since discovering this product everything has changed.

I actually bought this product on a whim when I was surfing on the Superdrug website for some skincare and it randomly popped up and caught my intrigue. I decided to try it out since I have been in the need to of a new hairspray but have been putting it off because they rarely actually work for me, how glad I didn't miss it this time!

Not only does it actually smell really nice and not overpowering like most sprays do. It really helps lock in any hairstyle, no matter how untameable you think your hair is, if it can help mine, it can help most people. Another great aspect is the fact it isn't tacky at all and the mist is sprayed very finely yet still manages to do some amazing holding style, it truly is the best hairspray I have tried in a long time!

What are your current favourite hair styling products?

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