New Year Tag

Hey Everyone, I decided to end this year with a tag post. Of course, The New Years Tag sounded the most appropriate. Let's reflect on...

Hey Everyone,

I decided to end this year with a tag post. Of course, The New Years Tag sounded the most appropriate. Let's reflect on some moments from the past year and see my resolutions for 2016~

What is one of your favourite moments from last year?

A highlight of my year definitely has to be how much time I've put into my blog and seeing how far it has come. I've learned so many new things that have helped improve my blogging skills and I'm so happy that I'm still loving blogging just as much as the day I started. I'm so thankful for everyone who follows, comments and supports my blog and I appreciate it all so much. A big thank to you all.

What was one New Year's resolution you accomplished?

Sticking to my blog and learning ways to improve.

Three words to describe last year?

Emotional. Growth. Positivity.

Favourite song from last year?

This is a darn hard question. Though I would definitely say slaves and RAT BOY have been some of my favourite musicians from the year.

Something you are looking forward to this coming year?

I'm looking forward to blogging more and growing even more as a person. I'm turning 21 this year too so I'm pretty excited!

What did last year teach you? 

That life goes on and not to be stuck in the past.

What was your most worn clothing item of last year?

My polo necked jumpers. My collection has seriously expanded over the year and I have so many shades my wardrobe can't cope anymore!

If you had to sum up your year in one word what would it be?


What are you hoping more for of this coming year?

To expand my blog even further and continue to learn even more.

What are you hoping for less of this year?


What is your upcoming resolution for the New Year?

To stay positive and keep growing as a person.

That was such a nice tag to complete and It was nice yet sad to reminis. I really can't wait to see where 2016 takes me. Feel free to do this tag and have fun reminiscing your year! Have a great and happy New Year :)

xoxo Lotté 

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