Blogmas Day One: The Christmas Tag

Hey Everyone, So it is officially the first day of Blogmas and I actually can't believe it, but here we are! To welcome in the first...

Hey Everyone,

So it is officially the first day of Blogmas and I actually can't believe it, but here we are! To welcome in the first day of 24 daily posts I thought I would do the Christmas tag, to show just how much I love this time of year!

1.Presents - Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning?

Most definitely Christmas morning! Ever since I was young we always would gather together on Christmas morning and open our presents together, nothing better!

2. Favourite Festive Food?

All of it. Well, if I really had to choose, it would be roast potatoes and stuffing. Generally, just everything on the Christmas meal. Festive food will always be the best!

3. Favourite Christmas Scent?

I love woody scents, but cinnamon has to be my ultimate fave.

4. Christmas Eve Traditions?

Generally we do some last minute shopping (yes, I am that crazy) and then come home, get all cosy and watch some Christmas films!

5. What is on top of your tree?

An angel, that is surrounded by a wreath. It was my nanas who passed it onto my mother so it is very old!

6. As a kid, what extravagant thing did you always ask for but never receive?

It wasn't something extravagant, but I always would ask for a dog. In the end though I got one for my eleventh birthday so all good in the end :D

7. What do you wear on Christmas Day?

Well, for the first part, after opening gifts, I then head to my grandma and grandas house and so I get dressed up. However, when I come home again, PJ's it is as we wait for the best meal of the year!

8. Have you finished Christmas shopping yet?

Of course not xD

9. What Christmas TV special are you most looking forward to this year?

I haven't really checked what specials are out yet, but I heard their is going to be a new Mrs Brown's Boys episode, so most likely that.

10. Is Christmas a small group or everyone you can get around the table?

For me, I prefer to spend it with my immediate family!

What are some of your favourite aspects of Christmas?

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