Blog Advice Series: Steph Louise Blogger Interview

Hey Everyone, Another week has arrived and therefore another instalment of the new series on my blog and I just want to thank you all fo...

Hey Everyone,

Another week has arrived and therefore another instalment of the new series on my blog and I just want to thank you all for the wonderful response this series has received! This week we are hearing from the lovely Steph Louise, so let's check out her thoughts on the blogging life.

1 - Introduce yourself and your blog!
Hi I'm Steph and I run Vanity and Vodka, a beauty and lifestyle blog. I've been running my blog for a year and a half now and post a bit of everything! 2 - What made you want to begin blogging?
I discovered blogging mainly through YouTube and then saw there was this huge blogging community online which I wanted to be a part of. 3 - What are some of the positives you have found about blogging?
As I mentioned above, the blogging community is pretty great and I've made some great friends through blogging. I've also found that having my blog to work on in my spare time has helped improve my mental health hugely as I'm not just sitting around getting bored at home. 4 - What are some of the negatives?
I find it hard not to compare myself to other bloggers in terms of numbers such as followers etc. which can really knock my confidence. 5 - Where do you get inspiration for creating content?
My favourite bloggers and social media are probably my biggest inspiration for making content. When you read a great post or see someone just generally nailing it in the blogging world it encourages you to get working. 6 - Do you think it is important to have a schedule or just post when you choose?
I used to have a schedule but I became so bogged down in getting content out on those days that I would rush writing them and I'd end up hating them. Now I just post as and when I want and find this works better for me personally. 7 - What is some advice you would give to people who want to start a blog?
Just do your own thing, be yourself and people will love you for it. Take some inspiration from great bloggers but never copy content and never use images from Google- legally not a good idea!

Be sure to check out Stephs's blog and let us know what are some of your blogging tips!
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