achieving your dreams
BTS quote
RM quote
The 'What If' Scenario And How It Can Destroy Your Dreams
The 'What If' Scenario And How It Can Destroy Your Dreams
12.6.18Today I am sharing a very different post. Basically after seeing a quote today, I just had to write something relating to it as my mind suddenly filled with a bunch of thoughts that just wanted to be let out. I hope you enjoy it and can find some inspiration.
This is something RM [from BTS] said on an episode of #BTSFESTA18 [which I really recommend you watch to see why this group is so popular] and for some reason, this whole sentence struck a chord with me and I could relate so much. Though it is not surprising as this guy always seems to speak nothing but words that make you think.
In basic terms, my mind begun to think over that when you have lived a life that has steered away from the path most people are told to follow, life can get complicated. Now life is complicated in general when you follow a normal life path too. However, I am especially talking about a person that wants to follow a dream they have and most specifically in the entertainment and arts world and how this whole process can really test you as a person and see just how strong of a human you are.
You see, there is no guarantee of anything. Whether that be applied to study based things, music or becoming an actor, there is no guarantee on anything you do. And when you are in the process of achieving whatever dream you have, in the dark times when nothing seems to suddenly be going your way you can start to think things like, What is the point? Why is this going so slow when I work so hard? Why did I not just finish my studies and live a normal life, it seems so much easier? and the what if questions of if you had stayed on that normal path would you have not struggled so much and the guilt can start to creep in and consume you. I know this and I think many people who are trying to achieve something in a hard field to break into does as well - especially in times when everything seems like it's not going to work out.
However, when I listened to what RM said, that when you think of these what if scenarios it's useless and that time you are wasting thinking over nothings could have been applied back into that work you love so dearly and putting even more of that energy into it.
I have sadly always had this problem myself. That when things aren't doing so well or not going how you had planned, you start to be hard on yourself and these questions start to pop up like an AK shooting up a storm - it can destroy everything so fast. However, I have learnt that when these thoughts do start to come up and you start to think of your life and what you may have missed because you are achieving your dream and pretty much work your life away, think of it instead of how far you have come and that you are still trying. Because many people after years of not getting success will have fallen by now and given up on their dreams because they did either not get what they want instantly or they just could not get out of this what if scenario and sadly succumb to it.
You just have to remember this, nothing is achieved in a day. It can take years and years, not for everyone, but no matter what amount of time it takes you nor what you have to do to get there and how far you had to stray from that normal life path, the only person stopping you from achieving that dream is not only your own mind but that very; "What if..?" thought that can plague your brain like cancer if you choose to do so. If you think about the past now, think about how far you come and live in this moment.
Like everything in life, changing your mind set [especially in dark times] is very much a challenge. But everyday if you just work to not be so hard on yourself and keep looking at that goal you will one day complete, let that self repressing way of thinking slowly die and before you know it, that very way of thinking won't be needed anymore anyhow, because you will be at that very dream that what if thought tried to stop you from achieving. I very much know that myself.
Just like RM said, "This is life." Live in this moment in happiness at the path you have created so far. Just smile and take each day as it comes because true beauty takes time to blossom.
How do you keep yourself on track to achieving your desires and not fall to dark thoughts?