
Things That Inspire Me #1

Hey Everyone, Inspiration can come from many sources and for me it truly does. I decided to start this new series on my blog about things...

Hey Everyone,

Inspiration can come from many sources and for me it truly does. I decided to start this new series on my blog about things that inspire me, so when I have those days where self belief is drowning, I will look to this and remind myself on things that keep me motivated. These are some recent things that have given me some inspiration~

Films | In the last few years movies have really become a source of inspiration for me, especially the art house area of cinema. Movies that often seem to drone on for so long but truly hold the deepest meanings. I personally like these slow, drawn out plots as they really do tend to tell really deep and relatable stories just shown in a more beautifully realistic and gorgeous cinematography style. I really recommend the films Laundry by Jun'ichi Mori and Beautiful by Kim Ki-Duk.

Strong People | A strong person can come in many forms. However, when it comes to me, I am inspired by people who take their own initiative in life and stick to their goals, no matter what. This year, I have met so many incredible people who made their own dreams come true with nothing but hard work, dedication and they all have been such wonderful kind beings. These types of people truly inspire me because achieving your dreams is never easy and most people give up because they are scared of success, afraid it will never happen or just listen to much to other peoples opinions. But these people never gave up, no matter what was happening around them and it truly is an amazing thing to hear what all these people have gone through to get where they are. It reminds me that in this journey of chasing dreams, things are always tough but once you get to your destination those past pains, teach you so much. You have to go through hard things, everyone does, to get where you want and these people showed me that no matter what you do go through, you can achieve what you want. You truly can and I now am. "Believe in yourself, because no one else will for you."

Nature | Nature is so beautiful, how can it not inspire you? Especially, living in England. I am lucky to live in such a place that has such beautiful scenery I can just get lost in my thoughts in. Winter time is especially a thing that inspires me. I really can't stand Summer and so when the colder months arrive, I really start to get oodles of inspiration hit me. I think I just vibe best with the Winter scene. Cold walks and although I am not a fan of these early late nights, I can't help but appreciate this change in time. It really helps keep me motivated and enthuses me with a creative bug each time this time of years comes around. Winter scenery is such a beautiful time.

What are some things that inspire you?

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