How To Achieve Any Goal You Wish
How To Achieve Any Goal You Wish
Hey Everyone,
Goals and dreams have always and will continue to be something we all wish to strive for. No matter how small or big, we always have those niggling thoughts at the back of our mind of something we want to achieve soon or well into the future, but most of us are either to afraid to go for them or don't believe in ourselves enough to think we can actually achieve them. Here are some of the things I have been doing to achieve the goals I set my mind on and no longer just dream of them, but make them happen.
Set It Out
What exactly is it you want to achieve? Write it down, no matter how many goals you have. Write down and analyse them. Write down what you need to do to be able to achieve these things. I personally don't recommend setting out time goals because things often take time and if you want something by a certain time, you are only putting more pressure on yourself and that is where people often fail. They can't take the pressure and overwhelm themselves. So, just write down your goals you wish to achieve and you will get to them when you do. Just have a clear vision of what it is you want and know the steps of how you are going to get there. Time is not everything.
People often tell you to be realistic with your goals. And although I agree to an extent, sometimes you have to push normal boundaries to get where you want. I am a writer for example and many see it as a job that is not realistic. Same with singers, dancers, poets etc. Whatever it is you want to achieve, realism is important, you have to be realistic with your goals. However, if you know how you want to get to this somewhat unrealistic place, don't let anyone stop you. Some people tell you everything is about realism and you will never achieve something so beyond your reach. Try telling that to Steve Jobs, Jack Ma and all the other greats. As long as you know how to get where you want or at least begin planning it, in reality, nothing is unrealistic. Everything just takes dedication.
Test Yourself
Failing is not bad. It really isn't. You have to try many different things often to get where you want. You know how long it took me to write a novel? Many years before I finally finished one and now years later I am going to be published and can now write novels super fast. It was because I tested myself. I set myself a goal, many of which I failed but I eventually got there. I eventually wrote that novel and now have nine under my belt and many others in the works. Don't fret when you test yourself and fail at something, we all do. Just tell yourself it is what happens and be proud you made that step anyhow. Eventually, failure will turn into success, you just have to keep working towards getting better at whatever it is you want to do and eventually, it all pays off. You just have to keep pushing forward, no matter how many times you fall.
When it comes down to achieving any goal, it's all about personal dedication, discipline and what you are willing to do to get what you want. Over all, believe in yourself that you can do whatever it is you wish and in that you are already half way to completion.
When it comes down to achieving any goal, it's all about personal dedication, discipline and what you are willing to do to get what you want. Over all, believe in yourself that you can do whatever it is you wish and in that you are already half way to completion.
What are you doing to work towards your goals?