
Autumn Tag

Hey Everyone, Autumn is here and to celebrate my favourite season, I thought I would do a tag post to welcome this great time of year to ...

Hey Everyone,

Autumn is here and to celebrate my favourite season, I thought I would do a tag post to welcome this great time of year to my blog. Let's check it out~

1) What signifies the start of autumn to you?

As soon as the weather begins to turn chilly and the leaves begin to fall and turn those beautiful warm colours, I then know I have entered the Autumnal zone.

2) Best way to spend a rainy day?

Hot chocolate, baked snack, a good book or drama and I'm living my best life.

3) Your most fond autumn memory?

The first Autumn after my surgery was so beautiful to be able to feel no longer ill or in pain. It's my favourite season and so to be able to enjoy it in all it's beauty while feeling healthy. No greater happiness.

4) Favourite fall scent?

Pumpkins are great and all. However, I like more earthy and woody fragrances or light berry scents.

5) What are you most excited for this fall?

As always, the fashion. I hate Summer fashion, to me it's so bland and boring, but for some reason, Autumnal style has always been a fave of mine. Mainly I guess because I love dark tones more than the light ones Summer provides but yes, Autumn cosy fashion, all the way!

6) Favourite autumn song?

Right now, two songs by Roy Kim stand out to me. The first being a rather befittingly titled one called, 'When Autumn Comes'. The second being another of his called, 'Only Then'. His voice just reminds me of this season for some reason and these songs just evoke the feelings of a cosy Autumnal day to me.

7) Favourite autumn movie?

Coraline, Harry Potter or Nightmare Before Christmas. 

8) What TV shows are you looking forward to this fall?

I'm already watching American Horror Story and you couldn't get a more perfect show for this spooky time of year.

9) Favourite autumn colour?

I love mustard but anything burgundy, I'm all for.

10) Favourite fall fashion trend?

Cluttered styling and lot's of layering.

11) Your most loved outdoor fall activity?

Just brisk walks in the chilly scenes fill my heart with joy. You can't deny Autumn is a beautiful time.

Tag by Here

What are some of your favourite things about Autumn?

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