
Blogmas Day Twenty: The 1975 Concert

Hey Everyone, I actually can't believe Christmas is this weekend, it sure has come around fast! Anyhow, today's post is about...

Hey Everyone,

I actually can't believe Christmas is this weekend, it sure has come around fast! Anyhow, today's post is about a concert I went to last Saturday the act being The 1975, and so I decided to share with you some photos from the night as it was truly amazing~

Seriously if you have never been to a The 1975 concert before then you are missing out, as it for sure is one of the best live acts I have seen yet. It was even better than I had imagined it to be and literally my ear drums are still recovering from the noise levels and also because I sang pretty much the whole concert.

They played some of my favourite tunes from Ugh! to somebody else so I was one happy fan and just look how amazing the stage design was, which was even more epic in person. Seriously though if you have not seen these guys live then you have to as they really do put on an amazing performance.

What artist would you love to see live?

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